For some reason my mind was wandering today to some of the books I loved as a child. I thought it might be nice to come up with a list of the books that stand out in my mind as having shaped my personality, or whose characters became my imaginary friends, or that spoke to my child-self without condensation. I realized that I was thinking of the books I know I will be sharing with my children, when and if I have them.
- Everything by Maurice Sendak, but especially Higglety Pigglety Pop! Or, There Must Be More to Life, The Nutshell Library, Mickey in the Night Kitchen and Where the Wild Things Are
- Harriet the Spy
- A Wrinkle in Time
- The Old Mother West Wind books by Thornton Burgess
- The Snowy Day
- Laura Ingalls Wilder's books
- My Antonia
- Charlotte's Web
- Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and Let the Circle Be Unbroken