Sunday, May 11, 2008

chunky monkey

Why is it that no matter how terrible I feel about my weight, or how much time I spend obsessing about how chubby I am, I can never seem to stop eating long enough to lose a single pound? I mean, I spend a fleeting moment of every minute fretting over my dimply thighs and rounded tummy, but in the end it just leads me to the thought - "Oooh, you know, brownies would be so perfect right now." As much as I wanted to slim down for my wedding day, I didn't. And I can't stand to look at the pictures. Or, at least the ones I am in. I was a cow. And, maybe I am just using this as an excuse, but I don't think that my dress was very flattering. It made my already giant boobs look even huger, and frankly, it did nothing to camoflauge my waddle-y arms.

Damn. I wish I had some brownies.

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